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Dry Dashing


Dry dashing is also known as pebble is dashing. Our dry dashing experts have years of experience in this field. We assure you guarantee for our work.

Dry dashing brings great value and attraction to your property and its choices can hugely vary. There are simply numerous combinations of pebble or chipping colours, background colours. In fact, there are many types of chipping colours, background colour grain size and various types of other combinations that make the dry dashing finish simply irresistible.

By using our dry dashing service, you can enjoy the overall aesthetic appearance. We assure a waterproof finish that lasts for long.

If you are facing the problem of dampening walls or any other area of your house, then you can consider using our dry dashing service. It will help your walls gain new life and last longer.

We have hired skilled professionals who are expert in providing different types of dry dashing services. It is our aim to combine experience with innovation so that we can provide our clients with a perfect end-result.

Dry Dashing examples

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